nwdlbots: Noodle Send

Noodle Send simply counts the number of MIDI notes passing through it. It then sends a slot index and the total number of notes playing to Noodle Control. If this switch is set to “Yes” then a list of current pitches is also sent for use by the Avoid Filter. Noodle Sends can be used at the end of a nwdlbot chain of devices or added to the end of any Live MIDI slot so that conventional MIDI clips/ instruments can report to Noodle Control.

• Send Pitch

If this switch is set to “Yes” then a list of the MIDI pitches active in this slot is also sent to Noodle Control for use by the Avoid Filter.


The current version of Noodle Control will only work with Noodle Send modules in the first 32 Live Slots (0 -31)

When slots are deleted or duplicated, Noodle Send modules can register incorrect slot numbers. To rectify this, reset the module by going back to the start of the Live Set (1.0.0)