SundayDance on Soundcloud

I’ve recently put some music up on Soundcloud ( I’m mostly going to use it as a platform for stereo mixes of the electroacoustic stuff I’m doing at Bangor, but it will also be a repository for some back catalogue and maybe a few gems from the vault. There are a few nwdlbot examples which I will incorporate into this site some time soon. Take a listen.

Richard in Leonardo Music Journal

Richard has written a short piece for Leonardo Music Journal issue 17: The Joy of the Gizmo. This issue of the annual publication from MIT press features a number of artists discussing the “secret weapons” they use to make music. Richard’s contribution is an artist statement on (surprise, surprise) the Davis Instruments Vantage Pro Weather Station as used by the Weathersongs Project. For more details of LMJ, go to the Leonardo website.

Leonardo Music Journal
Order LMJ from MIT Press

Weathersongs Installation to visit Italy

The Weathersongs Installation has been invited to visit Italy in April this year. The installation will be playing at Thunderstorms 2007, a national public event on climate change and extreme weather conditions to be held in Abano Terme, Veneto from 24-29 April 2007. The installation will be open to the general public from the 27th to 29th at Teatro Pietro d’Abano, Abano Terme.

Richard will be taking the installation to Abano Terme as a guest of ARPAV (Agenzia Regionale per la Prevenzione e Protezione Ambientale del Veneto)

Thunderstorms 2007 (English)/ (Italian)